There are many different requirements to obtain a Visa to enter the U.S. or other countries.
Some embassies may request a conference attendee to present a letter from the interNEXT Expo to verify their intentions to attend that specific conference. It may also be necessary to verify that the requester has paid the registration fee in full.
Visa applications are currently subject to a greater degree of scrutiny than in the past. Many applicants may be required to appear in person for an interview as a part of the visa process. Applicants affected by these procedures are informed of the need for additional screening at the time they submit their application and are being advised to expect delays. Therefore, attendees should be advised to apply as soon as possible.
interNEXT’s guidelines for providing visa letters are as follows:
Visa letters should only be issued to:
• Speakers/Presenters
• Attendees who have paid their registration fee in full and are not from one of the countries embargoed by the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control